EPICA – The Essence Of Silence

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EPICA - The Essence Of Silence

O melodie deosebită, așa cum suntem deja obișnuiți din partea trupei Epica. Cea mai valoroasa formație de metal simfonic actuală (cel puțin după umila mea părere), încântă nu doar printr-un sound deosebit, puternic și studiat, ci și prin versuri cu o puternică direcție spirituală. Cele două voci aflate în dialog (growl vs. soprană) conduc ascultatorul către o zona mai specială, o zonă a introspecției și a trezirii spirituale. Această melodie precede albumul “The Quantum Enigma”, album ce va apărea la începutul lunii mai, 2014. În așteptarea acestui eveniment, vă invit la o scurtă audiție de muzică de calitate, marca Epica.

EPICA – The Essence Of Silence

Something is wrong
My strength has gone
Thoughts are corrupting my mind

I can see, I perceive this ain’t me

Something so strong
My mood has swung
I can’t get it out of my head

I believe that my mind misleads me

(We confuse)
Is it a doubt you to try to hide?
(Tangle and abuse)
Just have an open look inside
(We appear)
It’s just a dreary memory stuck in your mind
(Memory stuck in your mind)

Retrieve your balance
Use your senses to observe
(The essence of silence)

Search for your essence
Find the silence within you
(The essence is …)

You’re searching
And bursting

There seems to be no cure
When tension endures
Delusions corrupting my mind

I can see, I perceive this ain’t me

There seems to be no way
When light fades to grey
To get them all out of my head

I believe that my mind misleads me

(We confuse)
Is it a doubt you try to hide ?
(Tangle and abuse)
Just have an open look inside
(We appear)
It’s just a dreary memory stuck in your mind
(Memory stuck in your mind)

Retrieve your balance
Use your senses to observe
(The essence of silence)

Search for your essence
Find the silence within you
(The essence is …)

Make a start
Explore your heart

When a persistent memory
Penetrates deep in your mind
Allow the silence to destroy
Your thoughts in every kind

(We confuse)
Is it a doubt you try to hide?
(Tangle and abuse)
Just have an open look inside
(We appear)
It’s just a dreary memory stuck in your mind
(Memory stuck in your mind)

Retrieve your balance
Use your senses to observe
(The essence of silence)

Allow the silence
To wipe your thoughts away

Retrieve your balance
Use your senses to observe
(The essence of silence)

Search for your essence
Find the silence within you
(The essence lies)

In silence


One comment to EPICA – The Essence Of Silence

  • PAUL  says:

    Foarte fain ca ai curajul sa impartasesti asta! Sunt multe melodii de la Epica ce transmit multe semne de regasire a sinelui, a constiintei.
    Mi-ai deschis portite cu E. Tolle, Epica etc. 🙂
    Merci. Tineti-o tot asa!

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